Math Fact-orials - Fractions, Decimals, and Rational Numbers

In a fraction, it's the "bottom" number. It tells us the number of things in a group. For instance, if we have a pizza and cut it into 2 pieces, 2 goes into the denominator.

A counting/natural number that is the product of a given factor. For instance, some multiples of 2 are 2 (2 x 1), 4 (2 x 2), 6 (2 x 3), 8 (2 x 4), and 10 (2 x 5)

In a fraction, it's the "upper" number. It tells us the number of things we have/care about in a group. For instance, if we have a pizza and cut it into 2 pieces and one of those pieces is ours, the 1 goes into the numerator.

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