We've covered the basics of fractions and decimals. If we add them to our list of numbers we can use (which at this point is the integers), we end up with a new set of numbers...
What is the set of numbers called that includes fractions and integers?Answer
Rational NumbersAnalysis
The set of numbers that we can express using the division of one integer by another non-zero integer is called the Rational Numbers. Notice that we can express every integer as a division problem. For instance, the number 2 can be expressed in an infinite number of ways - here are a few:

And so every integer is also a rational number.
We'll develop these ideas of working with fractions and rational numbers in more detailed entries (you can link to some of them below).
Vocabulary used:
- Integer - the set of numbers that goes ..., -3, -2. -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,...
Where might you have come from?
Fact-orials Index
Where might we go?
Operations with different kinds of numbers:
- Addition, Subtraction, and Rational Numbers
- Multiplication, Division, and Rational Numbers
- Exponentials and Rational Numbers
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