Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Exponentials and Whole Numbers


Let's explore the concept of exponentials some more using whole numbers.


Question 1

Notice that we have two bases - the 3 and the 5. We can't combine them. So all we can do is evaluate the exponentials and then do the multiplication:

(to work the exponential on a calculator, use the  key):


Question 2

With this question, we once again have two different bases, 9 and 3. However, remember that  and so we can rewrite our problem:

We can now combine the bases:


Question 3

Let's do that same problem we did in 2, but this time do division and not multiplication:

We already know that this equals:

When we multiply bases together, we add the exponents. And so when we divide bases, we subtract bases:

To show how this works, we can expand out the question using 3s:

Or we can simply evaluate it this way:

Vocabulary used:

For more information check out these links (comment to add your favourite link):

Where might you have come from?

Fact-orials Index

Where might we go?

Operations with different kinds of numbers:

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