Welcome to Fact-orials!
So what is this site/blog/online thing-y?
You know how there are those sites that delve deep into topics, so much so that finding out what 1 + 1 is can be a real challenge? This isn't that kind of site.
Or how there are those sites that offer tutoring? Doesn't happen here.
This site/blog/online thing-y is here to be a resource that starts with First Principles and allows for navigation along sets of topics. Why is it that the next value after 9 (with one digit) is 10 (with two digits)? How is it that math and accounting are related? Where did the idea come from to develop negative numbers? What is square root of 4? And occasionally even looking at Who - like Who was it that found that equation that allows for finding the missing side of a right triangle?
This site is your site - feel free to comment, like, and share (or to jealously guard the secret of its existence from your friends...).
Seriously though, the site is here to be helpful for you in understanding the topics it addresses. And those topics will be math-y at first but can and will develop into other areas.
I hope you find your time here worthwhile!
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